Monday, January 17, 2011

Feed My Starving Children

On Friday, December 17, we were invited by the Earl family to do food packing at the Feed My Starving Children Warehouse. Feed My Starving Children is a Christian Charity that gets nutritious meals to starving children all over the world. They work with churches to host packing events, relief agencies to deliver the meals and the community to raise funds to provide the meals. First, we watched a video about hunger throughout the world. Hunger is a huge problem, but we were so encouraged to learn how we can help! While at the warehouse, our team packed "Manna Packs." Manna packs are very nutritious meals that save lives. We packed each bag first with dehydrated chicken powder, then dehydrated veggies, finally soy nuggets and then rice. When added to boiling water, each bag of food provides six meals. At the end, we were able to taste some prepared "manna" and it was delicious! During the evening, our team bagged, sealed and packed 8 boxes of thirty six bags of food. That's 1,728 meals! Wow. Our family was so blessed by this experience. We came to love the ministry of Save My Starving Children and want to continue to do whatever we can do to help starving children! The boys can't wait to pack food again, and we will do it really soon!!

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