Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blue and Gold

The Keller boys went straight from football jerseys to Cub Scout Uniforms on Saturday, February 26. We went right from Ethan's Championship football game to the Tumbleweed Recreation Center for the Pack 524 Blue and Gold Banquet. And, we arrived just in time! As we walked in the door, the Wolf Scouts were assembling on stage to receive their awards. So, Benjamin and Dad went right up front . . . and Benjamin is now officially a Wolf Scout. He worked hard all year long to complete the requirements for this badge. Way to go, Benjamin! After Benjamin's Wolf ceremony, we had a minute to breathe, and grab sandwiches, before it was time for the Weblos to take the stage. Again, Dad went up--this time with Daniel, so that he could officially receive his Weblos badge. He too worked really hard this year, doing community service, learning the foundations of his Christian faith and discovering what it means to be a citizen of the United States. We are very proud of our accomplished scouts. And, way to go, Dad. You are an amazing Cub Scout leader as well! Congratulations!!!

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