Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve With The Kellers

We had a great time celebrating Christmas Eve with the Keller side of our family. Grandpa Chet, Grandma Kathy, Grandma Gerty, Aunt B, Aunt Kim and Uncle Vince all came over for lunch and stayed for the afternoon opening gifts and watching the kids play. We had a wonderful time together and are blessed to have such a caring and generous family!

After everyone left, it was time to get ready for Santa! We tracked Santa's progress around the globe on Norad Track Santa and once he arrived on the East Coast--we knew it was time for bed! After setting out milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer, the boys jumped into bed and covered up their heads and fell right to sleep! Mom and Dad stayed up late, working around the house, and we were able to sneak a peek at the big guy himself as he arrived in our family room!! It was great to see Santa. He was in a good mood, but very tired and in a hurry to finish up the night's work. The boys were all excited to see the great pictures we got from Santa's visit! What a fun night!!

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