Monday, January 17, 2011

Disneyland Trip Day 3: Disneyland!

Yeah! Tuesday, December 7 was our day to visit the original and best park: Disneyland! Our friends, the Glaziers met us this morning for breakfast at the hotel and joined us for a day full of fun at Disneyland. We headed straight for Tomorrow Land, where the kids rode Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters and Space Mountain, then the Finding Nemo Submarines and Autopia. It was non-stop riding from then on out. We opened the park at 9am and closed it down on the Matterhorn at 9pm. And, in between, we rode the Go-Coaster, It's a Small World, Thunder Mountain Railroad, Indiana Jones, The Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, Winnie the Pooh's Adventure, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise and more, and many of these rides we rode many times Daniel and Benjamin loved Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain the best. Ethan loves the Haunted Mansion and Noah is a huge Pirates of the Caribbean fan! We were blessed with fantastic weather, light crowds and happy kids! What a magical day we had at Disneyland!

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