Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Afternoon with the Brixeys

After a full morning of eating and opening presents . . . we were off to Grandma and Grandpa Brixey's house for more eating and present opening! We were greeted by Cousin Aubrey, Uncle Loren, Uncle Andy, Grandma and Grandpa. They were all ready to start opening the mountain of gifts in the living room. Soon after starting, Uncle Flake, Grandma Freda and Matt arrived. It was an action packed adventure--five kids tearing into gifts with wrapping paper flying everywhere! Every now and then, a grown-up even got to open something! After the marathon gift-opening, we had dinner together and then had a chance to relax and catch up. The kids were kept busy playing with their gifts--shooting video with their new Disney camcorders and throwing the football around the backyard. What an exhausting, but truly great day. And, we were reminded of just how blessed we are, not just by material things, but by the gift of family.

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