Monday, December 21, 2009


On Saturday, December 19, Daniel and Benjamin's Cub Scout Dens were invited to attend the ASU vs. San Diego State University Men's Basketball game. One of the dads from Benjamin's den is the Marketing Director for ASU Athletics and he was able to get each family free tickets and parking passes for the game. The boys were thrilled!! Even Noah and Ethan were excited to be a part of the action--watching the game and clapping when the Sun Devils scored. At half time, all of the scouts were invited down to the court where they were introduced to the audience and were able to wave to the camera as their faces were shown on the gigantic TV screen hanging in the middle of the arena. It was a close win, and to celebrate the victory, the scouts were able to go down to the locker room after the game and give each player a high five. It was such a fun evening, a real "score" for our family!

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